Why DoControl?

Modern businesses rely on Software as a Service (SaaS) applications to enable business processes. These applications were designed to make it easy for individuals to share information and with external parties, including vendors, prospective customers, partners, contractors, and temporary employees.


SaaS applications provide built-in security functionality to mitigate the risk of cyber breaches and data exfiltration. Relying on

the native security capabilities of each individual SaaS application does not scale, and there’s no ability to implement granular

data access controls throughout all SaaS application types.


In this landscape SaaS security becomes decentralized, whereby each application’s security exists within a silo. With no ability to define data access controls consistently on multiple apps, it is nearly impossible to dynamically allow and restrict access across multiple SaaS apps, which leaves data vulnerable to exposure and introduces risk to the organization.


Our approach

DoControl identifies exactly where critical data is exposed and applies consistent data access controls across all SaaS applications

being utilized – regardless of the application’s native capabilities – ensuring data can be safely accessed by all internal and external users.


DoControl identifies anomalous activity throughout the SaaS estate to automatically close vulnerabilities and proactively stop threats before they do irreparable damage. With DoControl, organizations can adopt the SaaS applications required to drive the

business forward in a secure way, while reducing your operational costs and liability risk.


How it works?

All end-user activity events (i.e. create, view, share, edit, etc.) are pushed to DoControl directly by the connected SaaS applications. DoControl enriches incoming events metadata, with no access to raw content, based on several historical and aggregated data points. A catalogue of pre-defined secure workflow templates are available to establish granular data access control policies throughout all the applications being leveraged. The templates are fully customizable to meet specific organizational security program requirements. Upon a matching incoming event, DoControl will proactively initiative API calls to the relevant SaaS applications to enforce policies at scale.

So how can YouCC Technologies assist you and your organization?

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