Information security risks these days

In recent years, cyber attacks and cases of ransomware demands against companies, agencies and institutions dominate the headlines and in most cases are even downplayed by organizations that experience them. This type of attacks are on the rise and often have long-term effects that may spill over the supply chains and services provided to the citizen, including health services, finance, government and more. In just the first half of the year, there were several high-profile cyber-attacks in Israel and in the US that caused the organizations to be shut down for days and weeks.


The SolarWinds cybersecurity breach opened US government networks and the security systems of private companies around the world to threat actors in late 2020. This security breach allowed access to confidential government data and information before it was discovered. The innovative attackers attached their malware to a software update to the Orion software of SolarWinds from March to June 2019, which led to the security breach of tens of thousands of customers of SolarWinds. SolarWinds serves as an unfortunate example of how organizations around the world operate under the constant threat of becoming the target of a cyber-attack or the victim of cyber-crime, even through a reliable  software vendor’s software update.

Where Microsoft Security products comes in ?

Some believe that the escalation in attacks and data breaches in the last two years probably originates from new cloud-based remote work environments, which exponentially increased the number of endpoints that required protection and were not answered through the usual IT services to provide a response in the internal corporate world.


Microsoft’s security solutions have native capability designed to work seamlessly to provide integrated threat detection and response capabilities, but technology alone is not enough. The benefits derived from leveraging the best tools in the field can mean the difference in capturing a threat or letting it linger on systems, unaware that your environment is hacked and attacked indefinitely.

YouCC as supplier

Working with a trusted Microsoft technology gold partner can help you make these transformations and get the most value from your existing technology investments.

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